Sustainability Management
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Identification of key issues

We have identified management's key issues by analyzing what Musashi can accomplish now and where it should focus its efforts based on the Musashi philosophy. We consider the specifics of our business fields, including the value chain, to select material topics based on society's needs and expectations to deepen the understanding that we share with our shareholders and promote our sustainability initiatives more efficiently. 

Governance system for sustainability

The Sustainability Strategy Committee, chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has been included in the corporate governance system (since December 2021) to address social issues related to sustainability in an appropriate manner. This committee conducts discussions on the implementation of sustainability, considering the expectations and wishes of shareholders identified in dialog with them, as well as on social issues, considering the company's vision and purpose.  

This committee facilitates the company's management to reflect on social issues and thus improve the effectiveness of corporate governance with the aim of continuous improvement. 

Environmental management

The Sustainability Strategy Committee, chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has been integrated into the corporate governance system (since December 2021) to appropriately address social issues related to sustainability. This committee conducts discussions on the implementation of sustainability, regarding the expectations and requests of stakeholders identified through dialogs with them and different approaches. Discussions are also held on other social issues on behalf of the company's vision and purpose. The committee enables management to consider social issues and thereby improve the effectiveness of corporate governance with the aim of continuously addressing these issues. 

Measures against climate change and other environmental problems

1) We have implemented a variety of initiatives to address environmental issues, including energy conservation measures. We are acting with unchanged determination as a member of global society to achieve carbon neutrality, a goal supported by a global consensus. We pledge to green our own operations globally by 2038 and aim to achieve carbon neutrality across the value chain by 2050. 

2) Musashi has implemented a company-wide risk management system that covers all risks related to its business activities and behavior. Under this system, we identify, assess and monitor risks, including those related to climate change. Climate change-related risks (physical risks) have been selected as critical risks to business continuity. The BCP Committee formulates business continuity plans and conducts regular BCP-related training and exercises. Given the prospects of rapidly changing risks, we strive to minimize risks by actively integrating social issues into our thinking and considering feedback from stakeholders and external directors. 

Measures for GX

Global CO2 emissions
Musashi has made a carbon neutrality declaration (May 2021). We have established globally standardized measures for data collection to accurately determine CO2 emissions in our business activities. 

Industrial waste
In the 2021 financial year, we began to record the waste management carried out by each Group company on a Group-wide basis. By precisely defining our impact and responsibilities in global society, we promote activities as indicators for improvement measures.  

Water consumption
Musashi is also working to reduce the amount of water resources used. In the 2021 financial year, we succeeded in reducing both the total amount and the amount per production unit.

Support for TCFD

At Musashi Group, we consider climate change mitigation as an important task for sustainable management. We address climate change through our products, services and corporate activities, contributing to promoting “the enriched harmony between our lives and the earth”. In August 2021, we announced our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to intensify communication with our stakeholders. We will continue to strive to disclose more information through various media channels, including integrated reports and our website.